Solutions for Depression

Solutions for Depression

Depression is a common but debilitating condition which is more than just feeling down. We all can feel sad and low during stressful periods in our life but some people feel this way for extended periods of time, without any apparent reason. If you think you, or loved one, might have depression, we would recommend seeing a psychologist at to help you or your loved one through the tough time and help manage the situation.

Depression is a very serious condition which can impact not only a person’s mental health but also their physical health. This can have detrimental effects on how they interact with their family and friends around them, and how they fit into the workforce. It can become difficult for these interactions to continue as normal and this can lead to isolation.

In 2003, mental disorders were identified as the leading cause of healthy years lost due to disabilities as reported by the ABS. In 2007, 45% of Aussies aged 16-85 (7.3 million people) had, at some point in their life, experienced a mental health disorder. With one in five Australian’s diagnosed with a mental health disorder.

There are many different types of depression and a wide range in severity. Major depressive disorder or clinical depression is characterised by low mood and a disinterest in life, which is experienced most days, for over 2 weeks. This can be mild, moderate or severe and can involve melancholic or psychosis in some cases.

Antenatal and postnatal depression is seen in women during and after pregnancy. 80% of women experience a low in the days following birth as hormonal changes kick in and this is considered normal. Postnatal depression is longer lasting and can affect mum, baby and their relationship in that precious first year.

Bipolar disorder or manic depression sees extreme low and extreme highs or mania, with normal mood in between. These two extremes make bipolar a complex type of depression. Manic episodes can vary in intensity but often make sleep difficult and can create a loss of reality and even episodes of psychosis (hallucinations/delusions. Bipolar can be misdiagnosed as depression in the low phases.

Seasonal affective disorder is a depression of seasons. It is characterised by mood swings (sadness or highs) that begin or end in particular seasons. Depression during winter is common with a lack of energy, oversleeping and eating, weight gain and cravings. This condition is more common to cold climates and is rare in Australia.

There is no one perfect treatment for depression. Different people can have a wide array of symptoms and they can respond to treatments differently. A holistic approach is important in achieving the best and most sustainable results. Many of my clients are on both antidepressants and herbs and I work with their Doctor for the best outcome for them.

And there is so much more that you can do to create the best prevention and treatment plan for you. A combination of supplements, appropriate diet to support your needs, counselling or other therapies may give you tools and techniques to manage stress and anxiety as well as depression itself. Lifestyle activities such as yoga and meditation have also been helpful for many people, as well as exercise in general.

Getting the right advice for you from an integrated team of health care practitioners will provide the best treatment plan for you as an individual.